Price: $795.00Model #: 9006700
New for 2018: AT2K gray front panel.
The AT2K 2000 watt antenna tuner covers 160 to 6 Meters with a power rating of up to 2000 watts PEP and features a newly-designed, smaller roller inductor allowing the AT2K to tune 6 Meters without the need for the additional red button as on older models. The updated design for the capacitors features lower minimum capacitance for improved high band performance, while maximum capacitance has been increased to 400pF for better low band performance.

"Last tuner you'll ever need! 5/5 Basically this tuned my 117 foot longwire and wet grass flat, and did it with 1300 watts without issue.
Yes, it will tune a wet noodle, or in my case the wet grass!! Excellent quality...Easily takes legal limit even into a longwire laying on the ground. What a
testament to the build quality and tuning abilities - W1UFL" Read more on |
The AT2K matches dipoles, center fed doublets, Verticals, end-fed wire, delta loops, beams, Windoms, Inverted V's and an optional external 4:1 or 1:1 current balun for balanced wire feeders can be purchased during check-out. Featuring a 6 position antenna selector switch, the AT2K offers forward power metering in two ranges, 300 and 3000 watts.
Also included is Palstar's Active Peak and Peak Hold dual cross-needle metering from the popular PM2000A wattmeter. Standing Wave Ratio measurements are displayed with an illuminated cross-needle meter. SWR is read directly from the meter face where the Forward and Reverse needles cross.
Add 11 Ga. (.090" thick) iridite-treated aluminum metalwork and durable powder coated finish on the front panel and top cover, and you have the AT2K, a premium quality antenna tuner.