Price: $1395.00Model #: 9000401
The Palstar AT4K 2500 watt antenna tuner covers 160 to 10 Meters with a power rating of up to 2500 watts PEP. The AT4K is the tuner that built Palstar's reputation for high-quality and "Built-Like-A-Tank" durability. Unwilling to rest on our laurels, over the years Palstar has added new features to our classic.

"Work Horse 5/5 I feed my AT4K each day with my Alpha 91B at or near legal limit power on 160, 80 and 40 meters. In a year or so of operating into a 600 Ohm balanced line dipole I have never had a problem. I am not a big fan of roller inductors but this one seems to work well and I do make it a point to clean it as suggested about every 6 months or so. No complaints here with this brute work horse! - K5DSQ" Read more on |
The most recent additions are the Active Peak and Peak Hold Wattmeter identical to that used in our PM2000A Wattmeter, and front panel controlled relay switching between balanced line and coax output, eliminating the need to place a jumper strap on the back panel to make the changeover.
Featuring a 6 position antenna selector switch, the AT4K offers forward power metering in two ranges, 300 and 3000 watts.
The AT4K solves a problem suffered by the typical unbalanced tuner that has a 4:1 balun at the OUTPUT of the matching network. This exposes the balun to a wide range of impedances and reactances that it was never designed to handle.
The solution: The AT4K T-matching network utilizes a 1:1 unbalanced-to-balanced transformer in the INPUT of the network. When the network is properly tuned, a 50 Ohm impedance will be presented both to the input and output of the balun, which allows it to properly perform its important transformation job. Reviewed in Sept 2004 QST.
Add 11 Ga. (.090" thick) iridite-treated aluminum metalwork and durable powder coated finish on the front panel and top cover, and you have the AT4K, a premium quality antenna tuner.